Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday, 5/31

- This morning, Morgan got locked out on the balcony for several hours. Bill came all the way over from Cedarville to let her in, and was annoyed to find out that I actually had been in the Visitor's Center for the last 20 minutes... Oops. I just hadn't gotten around to figuring out where the heck Morgan was, because:

- A woman came in this morning to report a 6 foot long snake hanging out near Windmill Pond. She said it was a "Water Moccasin" but we don't actually, you know, have any of those in Maryland, so I spent my first 20 minutes at work trying to figure out what this lady had seen (results: totally inconclusive, aside from "not a copperhead").

- Animal sightings: 2 bullfrogs in the small pond behind the VC

- At some point in the day it began to hail bits of hail the size of bottle caps, and then there was a very exciting thunder storm centered approximately over Merkle Pond. I learned what herons do in the rain, which is stand still in the middle of a pond, look miserable, and get very wet. Oh, and then the power went out. And stayed out until mid-day Monday.

- In the evening, we hosted a campfire program for Girl Scouts. They were adorable.

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